What is the Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI)?

The DVI is an essential tool used to measure various factors associated with domestic violence. It evaluates not only an offender’s predisposition to violence but also screens for additional factors such as truthfulness, substance abuse, controlling tendencies, and stress management skills. 
What is the Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI)?

The Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI) is a test designed to assess male and female adults accused or convicted of domestic violence

Used in courts, probation departments, counseling agencies, and treatment programs, the DVI is crucial for evaluating risk and identifying the needs of domestic violence offenders.

The DVI is an essential tool used to measure various factors associated with domestic violence. It evaluates not only an offender’s predisposition to violence but also screens for additional factors such as truthfulness, substance abuse, controlling tendencies, and stress management skills. 

These factors, known as criminogenic needs, are represented as scales within the DVI.

DVI Scales

The DVI includes several scales that measure different aspects of an offender’s behavior:

  1. Truthfulness Scale: Assesses the honesty of the offender’s responses.
  2. Violence Scale: Evaluates the severity of violent tendencies.
  3. Control Scale: Measures the need to control others.
  4. Alcohol Scale: Assesses the severity of alcohol use and abuse.
  5. Drug Scale: Measures the use and abuse of illicit drugs.
  6. Stress Coping Abilities Scale: Evaluates how well the offender manages stress.

Interpretation of DVI Scores

Elevated scores on the Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI), particularly those at the 70th percentile or higher, indicate identifiable problems. Each scale score measures problem severity, allowing evaluators to match treatment intensity with the offender’s needs. 

Severe problem scores (90th percentile and above) highlight the need for intensive intervention to reduce the risk of reoffense.

Efficient Administration and Scoring

The DVI is designed for efficiency. It consists of 155 true-false and multiple-choice items, written at a high 5th-grade to low 6th-grade reading level. 

The test can be administered in paper-pencil format or electronically, with options for human voice audio in English and Spanish. 

Test administration takes about 30 minutes, and computer scoring ensures objective, accurate, and fair results.

The Importance of the Domestic Violence Inventory

The Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI) was developed after extensive psychometric research and years of evaluating individuals involved in domestic violence cases.

 Its design aims to provide a practical, helpful, and reliable assessment tool for those working with domestic violence perpetrators.

 By identifying the severity of issues and matching them with appropriate treatment levels, the DVI plays a critical role in rehabilitation and reducing the likelihood of reoffending.

Continued Development and User Feedback

Behavior Data Systems, the developers of the Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI), strive to maintain and enhance the tool’s effectiveness. 

User feedback has been instrumental in refining the DVI, ensuring it remains a state-of-the-art assessment instrument. The built-in database facilitates ongoing research, helping to keep the DVI relevant and effective in addressing domestic violence.


The Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI) is a vital tool in the assessment and treatment of domestic violence offenders. By providing a comprehensive evaluation of various risk factors, the DVI helps professionals develop effective intervention strategies. Continuous updates and user feedback ensure the DVI remains a reliable and essential resource in the fight against domestic violence.