“People are asleep as long as they are alive, when they die they wake up.”

(Ali ibn Abi Talib)


This points to the fact that we should not wait until we reach death to conclude we should have lived more spiritually. When we die, we realize we should have done more to secure a better hereafter. We have all the guidance we need to reach the hereafter more favorably but the ego deters us from reaching the state of pure love. When we reach that state, we can live knowing that the hereafter will be kind to us.


This is similar to a squirrel learning during winter that it should have buried some of the nuts it was enjoying during the summer time. One squirrel will prepare for the winter so it is not a harsh season. Another squirrel will enjoy the summer and possibly die through the winter season. This life is just a short period designated as the preparatory session for the allowance to reach God favorably. Are we smart enough to realize that or will we live for today and sell God’s favor for selfish pleasures of the ego?

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