The word is theriocide. It’s a word that should burn in our minds, a word that should echo through the halls of every school. Yet even our technology tries to silence it, flagging it as a misspelling, a non-entity. But it is real. It is the systematic annihilation of non-human animals, the silent holocaust that rages all around us. Deforestation, factory farms, animal testing—all are acts of theriocide, as devastating as genocide, femicide, or infanticide.
Why is this word, this reality, hidden from our children? Why are they fed a sanitized curriculum, a history of winners and losers, of competition and conquest, of human triumph built on the backs of animal suffering? We, the parents, pay for this education, through taxes or tuition, yet we are denied a voice in its content. In our silence, we become complicit in the indoctrination of our children. Our children are indoctrinated by a system controlled by corporate giants, their minds molded to serve a profit-driven agenda.
Deforestation, factory farms, the brutal wildlife trade—these are the instruments of our theriocide. We are the perpetrators of a silent holocaust, and our children, raised in a system that sanitizes this reality, are unwittingly complicit.
Compassion, empathy, unity are values absent from the classroom. Instead, our children are taught to compete, to conquer, to view the world as a battleground of winners and losers. This is not education; it is brainwashing. Our children deserve better.Â
It’s time to disrupt this complicity. Let’s arm our children with the word “theriocide” and the uncomfortable truths it reveals. Let’s demand an education that doesn’t shy away from our capacity for cruelty, but instead promotes the empathy and compassion needed to dismantle it. Let us demand an education that encourages compassion, that celebrates diversity, that builds a future where harmony reigns, not just for humans, but for all living beings.Â
The time for silence is over. The revolution in education begins now. We, the parents, are the ultimate authority in our children’s education. We must wrest it from the clutches of corporations and governments that profit from a culture of competition and domination.Â
This is not just about animals. It’s about us. It’s about the kind of world we want to live in. It’s about the legacy we leave behind.