If everyone approaches their respective government offices in their state, province, or even city, and says, “Look, we should implement some of this into our infrastructure. It may help in creating better measures for reducing accidents and curbing criminal activity,” then we can bring about the necessary changes to implement a better state of being, collectively. There is nothing more powerful than the collective voice of a society calling for a specific change. History has continually proven that the people have the ultimate power to create change and reform.


However, I would assume that the pressure from the wealthier lobbyists, who prefer drunk drivers and rampant gun sales, will forever be a force to be reckoned with. After all, many of the elected leaders are promoted on the backs of mighty campaign funders who are involved in businesses that require more lenient and flexible laws for guns, liquor, and other factors creating higher crime rates. After all, it does not benefit an American insurance company tycoon to reduce insurance fees because the city is deemed safer now!

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