All seemingly evil atrocities happen because a few people cannot get their ideas about their goals and intentions heard in the way they would have hoped for. They then decide to form a group and, through this bonding, establish a louder voice. As their civil and orderly projects fail to deliver, they forget any logic and enter a state of rebellion. Choosing to disrupt the world order, even if for a few hours, they resort to inflicting pain on the very fundamental that we cherish most dearly: freedom. 


When devoid of any love, a human is capable of insurmountable atrocities. After all, we are the singular species empowered with the mental ability to gauge the amount of pain we would like to force another life to endure. Subsequently, they act on the evaluation of this delusional calculation. They understand fully that it will not bring them any closer to achieving their goals. However, we must never forget that a sore loser will prefer to ruin the winning team’s celebration at any cost, even self-destructively, than to rebuild in better formation for challenge at the next tournament. 


As difficult as it may feel at times to accept this unlawful, unethical, and immoral wiring of a primitive monster, we must adhere to one fact: we are the winning team advocating love. We may painstakingly bury our loved ones, but we will never be able to reverse the victory of democracy over oppression, for our right to freedom is the fabric of our essence as loving human beings. Those who do not have this principal feature of human membership are simply of a different species. Those similar-looking creatures must then belong to the under-developed, static, and soulless species called “terrorists.” May God evolve them more swiftly to humanity so they can live among us in peace, and experience sharing the joys of love. 

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