Did you know globally one in five children do not attend school and do not receive formal education? Did you also know that almost all of these children begin working at the average age of nine? What if I told you the average age of homeless people in the USA is only eleven? Did you know that it only costs around $50 billion annually to ensure these children receive formal education across the globe? Can you imagine this fact; every hour, 300 children die of malnutrition?


There is nothing illogical about literacy and homelessness rates. Corporations and governments are just not dedicated to harmonious progress. In the version of these organizations today, they are not formed or elected with any humanitarian urgency. The end goal is not social benefit; it is profit maximization. This is accurately termed “capitalism.”


We, the people who make these statistics and those who care about them, can shift this capitalist system by demanding a change in behavior or boycott their agenda, but it requires a determined and compassionate communal approach. United, we always remain undefeated. We can continue on the path we are on, sacrificing our children as fuel to keep the capitalist engine running. Or we can choose to stop this train. We can derail it. We can pull its tracks off our earth.

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