What we are witnessing in carbon offsetting is another episode of capitalist hijacking by presenting delusional misinformation as effective solutions. In the space of global warming, we have a theory that influences us to believe that planting a tree suffices to offset our overconsumption effects. We cannot plant a few trees in exchange for a polluting flight!


We must accept that the only viable solution to a sustainable future begins with minimizing consumption. Once consumption is under control, and we can trust ourselves to live mindfully without capitalist coercion, we can implement technological upgrades and infrastructure to support comfortable living. This way we are slowly regaining our comfortable lifestyles while remaining mindful of sustainable levels of consumption for a harmonious future.


Tree planting against overconsumption is like walking into McDonalds from the parking lot to place an order instead of using the drive-thru window to perhaps offset excess caloric intake!

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