Imagine losing three of your four children in an utterly baseless and senseless terrorist attack, actually attending three of your children’s funerals simultaneously, and trying to make sense of your future with your only remaining child. Whom do you miss more? Whom do you cry over longer? Whom do you bury first? It is utterly incomprehensible on any level. Nobody should ever suffer such a fate. Yet, such was the case for a family enduring their losses in the bombing on Easter Sunday 2019 in Sri Lanka.


Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if you are a billionaire in this materially dominated and financially addicted world of ours. Life can inflict tragedy of Grecian proportions. Some heartbreaks will be difficult to mend, even over years. May God guide the people who have suffered such a fate by igniting and then forever shining the beacon of love within their hearts again!

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