• February 24, 2023

    Social Classes of Pandemics

    The hunger pandemic kills around 8,000 children daily. The vaccine for it exists; it’s called “food.” Unfortunately, we will not hear much about hunger in the media, mostly because it does not relate to the [...]

  • February 13, 2023

    The Equilibrium of Life

    A significant problem in our world is that the people championing love through spiritual empowerment are deafened by those championing spiritual empowerment through oppression. We pass laws for abortion and pay close attention to every [...]

  • February 8, 2023

    The Origin of Quarantine

    The practice of quarantine, or physical isolation, we use in times of mass sickness was initiated about 700 years ago in a Venetian port city. It remains the best scientific and all-round defense we have [...]

  • February 6, 2023

    Avoiding Violence by Anticipation

    A wise person was once asked, “Why do you not take revenge from those who hurt you?”    The wise sage laughingly responded: “If you were gored by a bull, would you then suggest running [...]

  • January 25, 2023


    If the fight for Jewish war reparations is going to be a victorious one, then every African American person in the USA should also be compensated because most white people with ancestry from the southern [...]

  • January 8, 2023

    Impossible Economics

    Venezuela holds the second highest gold reserves in the world. Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserve holding 303.3 billion barrels of oil reserves compared to Saudi Arabia’s 297.7 billion. The human population of Venezuela [...]