• April 30, 2023

    The Cost of Betterment

    Did you know globally one in five children do not attend school and do not receive formal education? Did you also know that almost all of these children begin working at the average age of [...]

  • The Great Illusion

    There are three parts to illusion:   Actor: the manipulator  Act: the manipulation  Audience: the manipulated   An illusion is a misrepresentation of reality. There is reality, which is an objective version of perception. Then [...]

  • April 26, 2023

    Waste and Hunger

    When people bring awareness to communities from platforms that are not globally powerful, well, it does not seem to have an effective and immediate impact. But when the identical awareness comes from governments, powerful NGOs, [...]

  • April 24, 2023

    Terror in Sri Lanka

    Imagine losing three of your four children in an utterly baseless and senseless terrorist attack, actually attending three of your children’s funerals simultaneously, and trying to make sense of your future with your only remaining [...]

  • April 20, 2023

    Wealth Management

    Wealth was a blessing long before there was money or human agriculture. Abundance, as God’s wealth, is for facilitating energy movement and transference on the path to pure love. We pursue wealth to divert from [...]

  • April 17, 2023

    The Power of the People

    If everyone approaches their respective government offices in their state, province, or even city, and says, “Look, we should implement some of this into our infrastructure. It may help in creating better measures for reducing [...]

  • April 14, 2023

    Scarcity of Kindness

    We can better analyze global carelessness through media exposure. The concepts of care and kindness we find so normal in our inner thoughts are performative ideals rewarded with prizes, trophies, recognition, and awards. When we [...]

  • April 12, 2023

    To Educate or Kill

    Nearly half of the people in Pakistan do not learn to read or write in school, with the lowest literacy rate being in Balochistan at below 40 percent, according to United Nations reports. To raise [...]

  • April 10, 2023

    Axing Violence

    “The axe forgets; the tree remembers.” (Zimbabwean proverb)   History records violence. Oppressors and transgressors, victors of wars and battles, all revel in momentary glory. The defeated will not easily forget nor quickly heal from [...]

  • April 7, 2023

    Delusional Disharmony

    If a panda hoarded more bamboo than it could eat while most other pandas around starved, we would quickly assemble and assign a team of scientists to determine what disease the poor hoarding panda was [...]

  • April 5, 2023

    Orange Strong

    Orange Shirt Day in Canada is in heartbreaking memory of Phyllis Webstad’s agonizing ordeal. At only six years of age, she had her orange shirt taken away by Catholic authorities on the first day of [...]

  • February 25, 2023

    Fruits of Our Future

    Globally, 620 million children lack basic education, math and reading skills, due to a lack of structured education programs and government funding. Of the two billion children globally, about a third cannot compute or read [...]