• February 20, 2024

    Bob Moore: A Life Worth Recounting

    Bob Moore passed away on February 10, 2024. He was 94 years old. The grief remains for loved ones, but he is surely in the heaven he toiled to attain. What a social legacy to [...]

  • February 9, 2024

    Beyond Blissful Ignorance

    "Ignorance is bliss," goes the old adage, tempting us with the allure of a life free from the burdens of knowledge and responsibility. But Noam Chomsky's poignant reminder, the possibility to exist in "comforting illusion," [...]

  • February 6, 2024

    Fair-Weather Allies: Expose “Woke” Clout-Chasing Loyalty

    We've all seen them or been them: the social media warriors, the placard-waving activists, the overnight champions of a cause. They flood our feeds, their voices booming with righteous indignation, their profiles adorned with the [...]

  • January 9, 2024

    Animals with Boarding Passes

    Miraculously, no human on board Japanese Airlines flight JAL-516 died from the recent crash. Videos of the rolling inferno circulated online, the plane completely engulfed in flames. Everyone on board escaped. The cabin crew did [...]

  • January 7, 2024

    The Disinformation Diet: How Capitalism Feeds Our Biases and Hides Real Costs

    Capitalism incentivizes the relentless pursuit of efficient production and excessive overconsumption. However, history and economics academically teach us that capitalism lifted the world out of poverty and yielded unparalleled economic opportunity and growth, along with [...]

  • January 4, 2024

    Quality Healthcare: Shamelessly for the Richest

    Where does the average person go to receive support for their mental health issues? There is still social stigma around mental health, making people ashamed to speak about their issues and raise concerns to professionals, [...]

  • December 5, 2023

    Sustainability: The Hypocrisy

    Capitalist success requires a correlated immoral progression. The richer one becomes, the more they have to defend inequality. Charity and philanthropy are not replacements for created wealth. When a person earns over ten times the [...]

  • November 23, 2023

    Unification in Peace

    If we are to forgive, unite, and develop alongside each other peacefully, we must quell the need to express our dissatisfaction with each other’s preferences in a violent and cowardly manner. If anyone is against [...]

  • November 16, 2023

    Hypocrisy: A Prerequisite to Capitalist Devolution

    Hypocrisy is the best coping mechanism for those with delusional faith. Ritualistic repetitions suppress common sense and obligations toward social duty. Ceremonial duties sideline any responsibility for upholding rights. Spirituality is reduced to cultism. Organized [...]

  • October 23, 2023

    Same Truth, Different Language

    Buddha meditated and came to the conclusion that the root of all suffering is attachment. He understood that when we are attached to something, we fear losing it and even worse, when we do lose [...]

  • October 3, 2023

    Funding Change

    We need more people to act for change. We need more people at the ignition stage of mindful awareness and spiritual awakening. I believe that more than half of the human population wants social progress. [...]

  • September 29, 2023

    Truth and Reconciliation

    The last residential school in Canada closed as late as 1996! This program began in 1831 to essentially remove the indigenous culture across the country. There was seemingly no need for the indigenous people to [...]