Overconsumption cannot be addressed by planting trees and solar changeovers. We need to change our social order.
It is helpful to learn about carbon footprint, charity, reforestation, renewable energy sources, and other measures that can help slow down the deterioration. However, the key word is slowing, which ultimately suggests delaying the inevitable disaster. To reverse the deterioration, we must eliminate overconsumption.
Overconsumption is the primary cause of environmental deterioration. We are a global culture addicted to overconsumption. Even ethical investment still wants a monetary reward, which means it still requires a level of economic annual growth implying overconsumption, likely with cheaper production expense. This upholds capitalist immorality.
Eliminating overconsumption begins by practicing mindful consumer tactics, eliminating profit maximization models, and criminalizing unethical government and corporate behaviors. Without consumer leadership for change, the radical need for change cannot enter its implementational stages. We can force radical changes to production facilities, but if the consuming population continues its overconsumption at the same rate, new facilities using new technology will not be able to offset the entire harm. Not every ounce of effort, resource, and material is renewable, recyclable, and sustainable.
The core factor of overconsumption is our unapologetic capitalist order that requires overconsumption for self-maintenance. No government will ever be able to reverse global warming by playing within the contextual limitations of capitalist allowances. The only remaining viable solution to reversing global warming is revolutionary systemic social change. For this we need to unite, strategize, and implement a campaign that aims to regain control and guidance over our consumption habits. Continually discussing climate change and its causes and effects will not reverse global warming. Attempting to develop a sustainable future through capitalist strategies (albeit under new terms and acronyms) will not happen. We cannot fix capitalism through capitalist programs.
We must bond together to overcome unethical practices. We must create a spiritual union based on the reality that without each other’s support we are doomed as a species. We must be able to trust in each other’s will to save all as one because such is the connection of humans in this crisis.
The only way through this ordeal is revolution. Many attempt to teach us that capitalism is only an economic order. This is untrue. The moment we indulge in capitalist behavior to win individualistic and self-rewarding prizes and acclaim, we change the economic order into its social form. This is not a rich versus poor issue because without the poor’s investment into the rich’s wealth, the rich cannot excel. We are all complicit in capitalism to various extents. We have all contributed to the outcome we now face. We must be held accountable and accept suffering through the reversal process leading to a healthier global existence. We should not merely aim to reverse the environmental catastrophe but also inequality and other cruel accords and norms of our modern capitalist society.