“Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.”

(Albert Camus)

The clergy walks in front of us; in fact, a religious figure requires all to make room so they can comfortably walk out in front. Organized religion is purposefully designed to block God’s light from our vision. Authoritative governments walk behind us, ensuring we are continuously sacrificed for their benefit. Their selfish agenda delegates no space for the betterment of the average citizen. These two types of oppressors shall never align to any reality in which love reigns supreme. However, we can learn to walk together. We can prioritize each other’s welfare and support one another by lovingly walking beside each other. If we can begin loving ourselves and those around us, we can reach the state of pure love energy in comradeship beyond the suppressive intentions of religious despots and ruling tyrants.

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