The hunger pandemic kills around 8,000 children daily. The vaccine for it exists; it’s called “food.” Unfortunately, we will not hear much about hunger in the media, mostly because it does not relate to the rich who fuel the media! The wealthy are practically immune to hunger unless fashionably self-inflicted or due to rarer cases of diseases and mental health issues. 


If we do have access to food and choose not to share it with those who do not then we can be considered effective agents of this disease. There is no excuse for poverty in this era of unprecedented wealthy billionaires and highly advanced technology. We all grasped the fear of death during the recent pandemic and realized that even behind lavish gates, money cannot purchase invincibility. It is time we help one another eat.


All it takes to feed every hungry mouth is one motion to be passed by governments globally. If we tax a minute percentage value on the annual income of the richest 10,000 people among the global population strictly to feed those facing famine, we will obliterate hunger within years. However, we are far from such measures of love and social responsibility. For now, we must continue to resort to philanthropic indulgences to limit the hunger pandemic. It remains a personal endeavor and not a unified social undertaking. Thus, as we eat healthily, if we cannot bring ourselves to share our food then we may donate a tiny amount toward providing the hungry with food. If we cannot donate for fear of going hungry ourselves then we can, at least, say a prayer for those who will not survive the night. We have developed tremendously in many aspects from the origins of civilization, yet thousands die daily due to an original ancient cause—hunger. How far have we really come if we still have not learned to prioritize life sustenance?

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