The greatest of black holes is actually the last straining filter through which one day all shall vanish. This will occur when the purification of energy is fully restored to its state prior to Adam and Eve’s resurrection of the ego. There will be nothing left to spew back into the universe in order to allow for purification through life.


When we strain orange juice, the pulp is caught in the mesh and the liquid flows through into the glass. The once-combined part of an orange is now separated into pulp and pure juice. The filter allows the intention to manifest. We reach pure orange juice that is separated from pulp and seeds.


Such is the mechanism of this perfect universe which could not be created or pushed into motion other than with a force defined by us as God. We reach pure love energy as we go through the cleansing strainer designed to filter the ego, blocking it in its mesh and letting it flow through the energy of love. However, just as the orange juice may be strained through tighter mesh weaves to purify it from even the tiniest of pulps, we shall also pass through tighter filters several times over (incarnations) until we reach the absolute purified state of love energy and merge back into God.

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