“Imagine a world where we are ALL the best versions of ourselves. We would be kind; we would make conscious choices and lift one another up.” (Monique Wellise)


What happened to our world? blur of seascape haze of time where are we? where can we go? (Joan McNerny)


“If you can’t be the change that you wish to see in the world, do at least have the courtesy of appreciating people, who can.” (Rathin Bhattacharjee)


Maybe one person makes little difference

but you are part of the growing crowd. (Vanessa Caraveo)


Life moves on and generations will come and go, but what we are leaving behind will show. (Anjonn Dasgupta)

Features essays, poetry and short stories from writers around the world.
100% of profits go to Compassiviste Foundation’s “Maasai Makeover” and “Za’atari Desert Garden” projects.

Healing Our Planet is also available at Amazon US, Barnes & Noble and Kobo.