Ending Climate Change Requires an End to Capitalism

Ending Climate Change Requires an End to Capitalism

In 2016, businessman-turned-charity founder Ali Horriyat took a significant leap of faith by donating his entire personal fortune of almost $100 million to charity. Fast forward five years, and Ali’s ambitions have scaled up with the creation of the HHH Trust—an organisation poised to significantly impact the planet for the better.

Ali argues that without a global overhaul of the prevailing capitalist system, the environmental crises we face—climate change, pollution, and food security—will lead to a catastrophic mass extinction event. The core objective of capitalism, as Ali explains, is to maximise individual profit, manipulating labor, production, and resources to achieve this end, often to the detriment of social and environmental wellbeing.

The Capitalist Conundrum

The capitalist model demands continuous profit growth, necessitating increased consumption that does not align with sustainable practices. This relentless pursuit not only exacerbates income inequality but also relies on unsustainable environmental exploitation.

Ali Horriyat’s journey from a profit-driven businessman to a social reform campaigner and the founder of the HHH Trust underscores a profound transformation, inspired by the realization of capitalism’s inherent flaws. His new charity is dedicated to building social and environmental equality, emphasizing that sustainability cannot coexist with a capitalist framework that prioritizes maximum exploitation of natural resources.

Ali’s Vision for Change

Through the HHH Trust, Ali aims to foster a significant shift in societal habits towards sustainability, leveraging education and technology to guide people towards making more sustainable choices. The Trust seeks to not only address climate change but also challenge the capitalist system that underpins many of the world’s social and environmental issues.

Ali’s critique of capitalism extends beyond environmental concerns, touching on the very fabric of our societal structure. He calls for a global collective initiative to combat the adverse effects of capitalism, advocating for a compassionate model that places human and environmental well-being at the forefront of progress.

The HHH Trust, according to Ali, represents a movement towards a more compassionate and equitable world, one where profit does not trump humanity. Through education, advocacy, and direct action, the Trust aims to inspire a global shift towards sustainable living practices that respect our planet and its inhabitants.

To read more about Ali Horriyat’s insights and the full article, click here.

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