A lifetime is a life’s journey from birth to death. We have come to believe the valuables along the journey are our possessions. However, material acquisitions weigh us down, diminishing traveling ease. We must aim to journey in ultimate comfort, peace, and tranquility. Our goal should be reaching the end of this journey without causing harm nor promoting unspiritual ethics. The lightest traveler naturally soars highest. The highest flyer implies the most transformed self on the purification path to eternal nirvana in the state of pure love energy.
A Formula E race car is built for a specific purpose. An electric SUV is built for an almost entirely different purpose. Both of these have taken mechanisms of technological advancements and used them to fulfill specific purposes. In the passage of life, we have devoted ourselves to so many ultimately differing paths to the fulfillment of one purpose that we have lost sight of the goal. We have evolved from understanding the purpose of life to be a transformational purification, to perceiving the purpose of life to be greedily amassing as much wealth.Â
When we discuss various considerations and philosophies for attaining nirvana, we can agree on the value of expression and different depictions of this path. However, when we introduce counterproductive distractions as the purpose of life in themselves then we enter a space of impossible conveyance. This begins a communicative meltdown. By spiritual guidelines of compassion and love purposefully leading to nirvana, there remains no space for segregation, wealth, and discord. When these elements are forced upon our intellectual philosophies and injected into our spiritual ideologies, our social world crumbles. Religions were born to occupy the space historically held by spiritual harmony.