
A movement of unified activists creating sustainable change.


Compassiviste Foundation funds projects that create sustainable change so the most vulnerable among us can live in a healthy, compassionate and equitable world. By giving to our foundation, you will be part of a global community of individuals and organizations committed to making a tangible impact.


This 12-year-old, Arthur De Boer, in Portugal urgently needs a bone marrow transplant AND financial help for his treatment.

Techo house


TECHO (teh-choh) is a youth-led non-profit organization that builds homes for the homeless in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Za’atari Desert Garden

Trains Syrian refugees residing at the Za’atari camp in hydroponics, enabling them to cultivate food in extremely harsh conditions.

Maasai Makeover

Provides energy-efficient stoves, clean water, electricity, education for women and livestock management strategies in the Maasai area.

Road to Recovery

Grassroots charity helping transport injured Palestinians to Israeli hospitals.

ENVT Bentley Project

Funds vital research that improves the health, wellbeing and lifespan of dogs.

Our Mission:

Building a Fairer, More Compassionate World

We believe in a world free of poverty, cruelty, and suffering; a place of peace, hope, love and dignity that is free of division and racial and religious persecution where humankind lives in harmony with the natural environment.By rethinking our priorities, realigning values, and taking action, we work toward a future that’s socially and environmentally sustainable.

How it works

How it works

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