Putting empathy to action,
and compassion in activism

To support Compassiviste’s overarching mission, Compassiviste Dialogues provides a space for conversations with humanitarians, activists and intellectuals leading initiatives around the world.

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Meet The Host


Our motto: Love Always | Always Love

Hello, I am Ali, Your Host.

Compassiviste was founded in 2020 by Ali Horriyat, who had personally experienced the social impact of unchecked capitalism, greed, and the unbridled desire for more.

Ali studied in the UAE, France and Switzerland, before pursuing higher education in Canada. He holds degrees in economics, political science, philosophy, business, international relations, conflict resolution and religion. Leaving a successful career in finance in 2016, he has since devoted himself to cultivating a society where compassion is the driving module.
He believes in reaching social harmony, a world where we love always and always love.

Ali Horriyat