We need more people to act for change. We need more people at the ignition stage of mindful awareness and spiritual awakening.

I believe that more than half of the human population wants social progress. We seek social evolution. To manifest this collective desire for directive change, more people must activate. We need more people using their force to align with the momentum that will allow us to reach this future. The wealthy must use their funds to support change, alongside changing lifestyles. The influential must be change pioneers, guiding others toward harmony.

We can all volunteer to support movements aimed at voicing the need for change. We can all share our expertise and experience with the collective to implement change. As a natural social movement accelerates to overcome the infection of disharmony, we will quickly find our space within the momentum.

The greatest probability of success comes through empowering newer paths to healthier living. Prevention of disease is always best, but we have transgressed beyond that option. We are staring extinction in the face and now require remedy and healing. At this stage, we require funding not merely to accelerate change but to find solutions to a novel social order that can be sustainable and harmonious

When you launch a rocket, the propellant consumes an average of 90 percent of the fuel assigned to the rocket’s mission. The remaining 10 percent is used to maintain the rocket in outer space and for its return. For the global social revolution to lift off, we must adhere to a similar logic: getting the initiative to roll out will require the most force. Just as rocket propulsion is measured in liters of fuel used, the social movement’s measure is through its reach and effectiveness to influence valid and tangible change. However, both can also be measured in funding value because that is the essence of getting the fuel to liftoff—and even of building the rocket in the first place. From ideation to realization, funding is among the most crucial aspects of a project’s success, maybe second only to the necessary faith in and dedication to an ideology. The extreme friction we experience when advocating for change is likely enabled by the counterforce of money dedicated to upholding the unethical capitalism that has kept all but the wealthiest shackled. To break from this imprisonment we must break from dependency on their money.

To empower initiatives for mass scale change we must subsidize a collective incessantly pursuing change. Providing the necessary living expenses for people who are willing to dedicate their lives to the promotion and actualization of progress is not a new concept. This is exactly how militaries are maintained. The purpose of an army is to pursue the ideal of its directorship. Members of a national army, for example, are financially compensated (among other benefits) to enable military goals. This is a cost taken into consideration by governments to protect citizens and national interests. Much of the capitalist world functions by the same ideal. People are paid wages to advance the goals of the corporation or ownership and not necessarily or implicitly those of the employee. If we set up a trust funded by the global majority who want change but who can also only dedicate to this initiative financially, we can provide the advocacy collective with the costs needed to successfully initiate change.

We require radical change to inspire and manifest the global social revolution. This revolution cannot be violent, especially as we are concerned largely with cognitive evolution in the socio-economic order and much less with discrimination or exclusivity. We are not pitting races or religions against one another. Collectively, we seek to compassionately attain social harmony in the best interest of the planet’s population, including all plants and animals. As such and for the purpose of advancing to social harmony, we can take cues from superorganisms such as ants and honeybees. We should aim to weed out harming agents hindering our collective’s natural social evolution while promoting loosely correlative assignments to specialists. We actually do perform this currently, but we do so mainly for the unfortunate capitalist end of self-benefit. We have not altered much of the mechanism in our weakened version of superorganism representation. We simply need to change the purpose of our goals.

We aim to attain what is best for ourselves as individuals. Much personal gain is to the detriment of social benefit because our measure of benefit is mainly financial and capitalistically formatted. A campaign to present social harmony as a viable alternative to the deteriorating and unsustainable capitalist social order is necessary if we are to experience a pleasant future. We do perform this on smaller and less impactful scales in protest, rebellion, and revolution within our communities. We unite in protest when something is universally detested or majorly unacceptable, such as racist police brutality.

Climate change is a major concern in today’s world. The majority of the world’s population is not contributing to climate change. In effect, if the entire world’s carbon emissions matched that of the lowest half, we would not feel these effects of global warming in the same way we are experiencing them now. Less than ten percent of the human population cause the really damaging effects of climate change. This detrimentally affects all humans, but even worse, it negatively affects all other life on the planet. We must react if we are to save our place among the evolving species of the planet. We must act to find ways to coexist harmoniously.

To reduce the impact of such danger, we can protest on the streets, stop traffic, and post on social media. These measures show solidarity with the cause of saving ourselves from extinction. However, they generally do not impact the outcome required for progress. We know banks finance much of the projects and businesses around the world. We also know that many of the largest corporations involved in environmentally unsustainable activity receive funding from the largest banks around the world. Without focusing on individual corporations and banks, we can agree that fossil fuel projects are hurting the planet. We can agree there are a handful of global corporations leading these projects. We can also connect these corporations to specific banks that seem to repeatedly fund unsustainable projects. The end goal for both entities is profit maximization. There is no space to insert ethical clauses into their contracts. We cannot expect banks and corporations to adapt to sustainability requirements when they were established for the sole purpose of profit maximization at all expense, often without ethical or legal consideration. We must become vigilant in our control mechanisms. Banks do not print money at will. Corporations do not receive loans without scrutiny. If we refuse to buy and consume the products and services of such corporations and banks, refrain from using these banks for our own accounts, and deny all payments and financial interactions from accounts in these banks, unethical banks and corporations will shut down or be forced to modify their purpose to prioritize sustainability and morality.

There are banks that will not fund such immoral projects. We must transfer our business to these organizations. Emerging ethical corporations provide sustainably sourced goods and services. We, as consumers, must be involved in making change. For some time, the goal has been to ignite and activate this stagnant social evolution to escape imminent extinction. Yet we are still on the path to extinction. One reason we find ourselves in this position is that we do not have the finances individually to benefit the global collective. Not all of us have the funds to switch banks when taking into account the fees, penalties, and restrictions we must pay. Not all of us know that we are holding our funds in the trust of unethical banks. Unknowingly, we are indeed funding dangerous activities which accelerate global warming. By donating to a global trust which facilitates the activation of these changes, we can realize change one realistic project at a time. Eventually, after a few successful revolutions and protests, we will not have to fight for collective benefit as capitalist opposition will choose to adapt to ethical priorities before they become extinct. We realize change with our money.

Contrary to popular delusion, we, of the ninety percent, hold the most wealth in the collective. We simply need to trust in each other and function as a social unit to progress to social harmony. We can eliminate one social issue at a time until we reach a sustainable coexistence with minimized suffering to all life on the planet. Compassion through mindfulness directed into action leads to socio-spiritual evolution.

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