I may require an asylum as I continuously surge deeper into a life of fantasy, seeking to reach an enlightenment where I experience fusion into the state of pure love energy. Yet one thing is certain: I am jolly in my madness and never commit drastic or rash behavior. Folly is the remedy for a sorrowful sanity!


This concept is one mechanism of the mind’s powerful array of tactics to block the ego’s negativity from fully taking over its faculties. It explains why we purposefully lose our minds; it is a last desperate attempt to hold on to life in dedication to God’s love by strongly opposing any active commitment ending our misery. The soul sacrifices and overrides the mind, rendering it to give away control entirely. The sole intent is to disallow the ego from purposefully assuming directive control. In our delusional state nothing is real anymore. Nothing can be meaningfully directed until a happy death releases the soul from any deliberately egotistic infliction. It is a suicidal sacrifice of the functioning logical mind to a state of chaotic disarray before the ego can assume absolute control and transfer energy away from pure love. Understanding the concept of self-sabotage to protect energy exchange from the ego sheds more light on the cruciality of further studying mental health, especially relative to coping with energy transformation and transference.

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