Two people suffer from cancer. One prefers to find the cure to cancer in a lab. The other prefers to treat this affliction with the affectionate support of loved ones in a collective healing process.
The West looks for direct progress. We are going into space. We are forever pioneering the journeys and carving the paths that lead us forward.

The East looks for contentment. My mother remains content never going into space or landing on the moon. Instead, she values a family meal and the celebration of the spring of life.

Neither, without the other, will be able to create a harmonious state of existence. That is why the world has been created with such a geographical variance which commands civilizations with varying ideologies. Through the different priorities of distant regions, humans were forced to endure various opponents, live in strategic diplomacy, and even eat different foods. The difference in lifestyles forced distinct philosophies of life from region to region.

Over eons we have created a balance in the spiritual existence of a human. Such is the balance between labor and rest, work and play, and even ego and love. The recipe for a happy life on the path to pure love resides within the book that teaches us to balance the foundations of life in such a way that we are neither too attached nor too detached from the physical world. We must be attached in the sense that we must be careful not to be run over by a car as we cross the road. We must be unattached in the sense that our life’s priority should not be acquiring material possessions. The equilibrium point of a balanced life, which will naturally be unique for each individual, will be the point at which we are most content with our progressive and developmental lifestyle on the path to reaching pure love energy.

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