If the fight for Jewish war reparations is going to be a victorious one, then every African American person in the USA should also be compensated because most white people with ancestry from the southern United States were at one point related to a slave owner! As such, many European nobility must be charged with crimes against humanity because they owned slaves. Every monarchy, including the British, must be taken to court for enslaving many in the British Empire’s posts during expansion. Why is this consideration only seemingly being lobbied for the Jewish families affected in World War II? They are, of course, deserving of compensation, but so are other sufferers throughout history who paid a steep price through oppression.Â
If we are to consider humanity as a species and not as segregated groups within a species then we must either forgive the crimes of our forefathers or we must equally take into account the plight of each group who suffered in any historical war. We must observe the factors of equality for all life.Â
If we are looking for a peaceful future, we cannot allow specific issues to be raised up from history for targeted benefits. Either we go back and fight vengefully for every atrocious crime committed or we hold hands and look to the future so that history becomes the lesson and the future becomes the path through love and peace.