These Writings Are My Attempt to Shed Light on How We Might Navigate these Vast and Intricate Issues, Encouraging Us to Think Critically About the World We Inhabit and the Roles We Play Within It.

In exploring the “social issues” section of my blog, I delve into topics that are deeply important to me, covering the complexities of capitalism, the nuances of morality, and the urgency of social justice.

I invite you to join me in this exploration, hoping to spark a dialogue that can lead to real and meaningful change.

Through these posts, I aim to engage with you on a journey towards understanding and action, drawing on diverse perspectives and collective experiences to inspire a more equitable and compassionate society.

  • East-West Harmony

    Two people suffer from cancer. One prefers to find the cure to cancer in a lab. The other prefers to treat this affliction with the affectionate support of loved ones in a collective healing process. [...]

  • Food for the Soul

    Knowledge is food for the soul. We must be careful that we do not purchase what is sold at the ego’s market. Instead, we should perform all of our shopping strictly at love’s market. Through [...]

  • The Trouble with Suicide

    Every so often, bright young people dealing with mental health issues resort to committing suicide. Many of us deal with problems unobservable to the glancing eye. Deep within ourselves, we each have our demons. Take [...]

  • Never Gossip

    Never gossip! Nothing good has ever sprung from gossiping and, for the most part, it is reminiscent of a coward’s strategy in discussing matters pertaining to people who are not present, and passing only negative [...]

  • March 8, 2023

    The Publishing Industry and the Environment

    Imagine if we decided to stop purchasing print books. Publishers would not be happy to hear this. The publishing industry has made some promotional efforts to show concern for the environment. But most publishing houses [...]

  • March 7, 2023


    One of the arguments against veganism derives from the natural setting. Lions prey on other animals. They eat other animals. Those against veganism suggest we should also live in this fashion and prey on other [...]

  • Character Through Association

    “If you want to identify someone’s character, examine the friends he sits with.” (Ali ibn Abi Talib) A convenient way of identifying people’s characters is to study their environment. This will allow the observer to [...]

  • March 3, 2023

    Animal Love

    The amount of love animals share is simply astonishing. How little love humans share in comparison. We actually have such a scarcity of love that we have created an industry around spiritual movements, scientific studies, [...]

  • Other Animals Versus Humans

    How closely do we relate to identical nurturing traditions in different animal species as testament to God’s oneness?   The likeness of all forms of life to care for their young is a sign of [...]

  • February 25, 2023

    Fruits of Our Future

    Globally, 620 million children lack basic education, math and reading skills, due to a lack of structured education programs and government funding. Of the two billion children globally, about a third cannot compute or read [...]

  • February 24, 2023

    Social Classes of Pandemics

    The hunger pandemic kills around 8,000 children daily. The vaccine for it exists; it’s called “food.” Unfortunately, we will not hear much about hunger in the media, mostly because it does not relate to the [...]

  • The Face of Devolution

    All seemingly evil atrocities happen because a few people cannot get their ideas about their goals and intentions heard in the way they would have hoped for. They then decide to form a group and, [...]