These Writings Are My Attempt to Shed Light on How We Might Navigate these Vast and Intricate Issues, Encouraging Us to Think Critically About the World We Inhabit and the Roles We Play Within It.

In exploring the “social issues” section of my blog, I delve into topics that are deeply important to me, covering the complexities of capitalism, the nuances of morality, and the urgency of social justice.

I invite you to join me in this exploration, hoping to spark a dialogue that can lead to real and meaningful change.

Through these posts, I aim to engage with you on a journey towards understanding and action, drawing on diverse perspectives and collective experiences to inspire a more equitable and compassionate society.

  • April 14, 2023

    Scarcity of Kindness

    We can better analyze global carelessness through media exposure. The concepts of care and kindness we find so normal in our inner thoughts are performative ideals rewarded with prizes, trophies, recognition, and awards. When we [...]

  • April 12, 2023

    To Educate or Kill

    Nearly half of the people in Pakistan do not learn to read or write in school, with the lowest literacy rate being in Balochistan at below 40 percent, according to United Nations reports. To raise [...]

  • April 10, 2023

    Axing Violence

    “The axe forgets; the tree remembers.” (Zimbabwean proverb)   History records violence. Oppressors and transgressors, victors of wars and battles, all revel in momentary glory. The defeated will not easily forget nor quickly heal from [...]

  • April 7, 2023

    Delusional Disharmony

    If a panda hoarded more bamboo than it could eat while most other pandas around starved, we would quickly assemble and assign a team of scientists to determine what disease the poor hoarding panda was [...]

  • April 5, 2023

    Orange Strong

    Orange Shirt Day in Canada is in heartbreaking memory of Phyllis Webstad’s agonizing ordeal. At only six years of age, she had her orange shirt taken away by Catholic authorities on the first day of [...]

  • April 1, 2023

    Art Expressed

    Beauty is becoming synonymous with how expensive art is, whereas beauty should be synonymous with an expression of art leading to God. After all, philosophy and art began with wondering about the metaphysical state of [...]

  • Strolling in Love

    “Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.” (Albert Camus) The clergy walks in front of us; in [...]

  • How Well Do We Know Our Biology?

    Ears do not form a conscious comprehension within us. Many people think we have ears to listen and learn. Well, that is not true. Our ears simply allow us to receive distorted wavelengths of sounds. [...]

  • Grace-Filled Speech

    Words are powerful. Harsh remarks can cause a destructive chain reaction, like lighting a match in the forest during a drought. Kind comments, on the other hand, feel like a light summer rain bringing relief [...]

  • Reversing Egotism

    “Every person is guilty of all the good they did not do.” (Voltaire) This is a powerful thought in which unperformed good deeds are considered sinful behavior. Today, we are proud of any life performance [...]

  • March 22, 2023

    Confusion to Suicide

    Suicide has crossed many people’s minds at some point throughout life. Many of us, thankfully, do not go through with it. Whether it is through fear or courage, we abort our thoughts of choosing to [...]

  • Chain-link of Love

    On our way back home during rush hour, we often think, “I wish people would be more courteous in sharing the road!” The next time you catch yourself squeezing your way into the packed metro [...]