It's a Concept That's Close to my Heart, Reflecting on How Collective Efforts and Shared Values Can Make a Big Difference in the World.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking and writing about collectivism on my blog.

My posts explore the balance between individuality and community, and how together, we can address bigger societal issues. I hope my reflections can offer a new perspective on how interconnected we all are and the power we hold when we come together for a common purpose.

Through my writings, I’ve sought to unpack the intricacies of how we, as individuals and as a society, can harness the strength of our collective will to foster meaningful change.

It’s been a journey of discovery, sharing stories and insights that I believe can inspire us to think beyond our boundaries.

My goal is to spark conversations that lead to action, encouraging a shift towards more collaborative and empathetic ways of living.

Together, I believe we can create a legacy of positive impact, rooted in the principles of collectivism.

– Ali Horriyat

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    I blame myself. I am the one reading this melancholy of tragic reality and sitting back with my finger pointed at the rich and the corporate elite, government, military, and all factions of industry that [...]

  • I have previously emphasized the disadvantages of assisting institutional charities. I am pleased that others are understanding the issue and promoting the notion that institutionalized corporations are not the answer to philanthropic assistance. From religious [...]

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    “Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.” (Mahatma Gandhi)   It is important to understand that if we do not agree or have differing views then it is healthy, and it is so [...]

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    We do not appreciate life for the enjoyment or blessedness in being alive. A life journey has become a struggle to reach some monetary goal, prioritizing financial attainment and management all the way to death. [...]