We should only ever allow privilege when segmented access is rationally purposed to the best interest of the whole. If privilege is abused then privilege must be removed.


At this point of negligence or indifference to the greater effect of our actions on the planet, we should no longer endorse a privileged liberty that harms others. Half a century ago, it may not have been so destructive to allow a dozen private planes purposed to the transportation of heads of state and corporations to fly. But today, thanks to the explosive wealth of the 1% richest, we are seeing an equally exponential growth in private planes. Endorsing these private planes therefore has a far-reaching effect on the whole of the planet.


As times change, we must update our responsibilities, obligations, and laws. This is not a mere matter of restricting the wealthiest. It is a recognition of unsustainable practices that must be abolished in the same manner as we abolished earlier practices of capitalist purpose such as racial segregation and slavery. Although slavery could be argued as a necessity for profit maximization, its social ramifications make it impossible to accept ethically.


We have laws that limit the spiral of absolute liberty of opportunism from serving the purpose of capitalist intent and other immoral needs. However, to implement the law, we need a law-abiding society in which rules and regulations are written and enforced to protect the best interest of its collective inhabitants (in this case, the world’s living population). Capitalism opposes social harmony as it places hard limits on profit maximization in the delusional capitalist ideal. As such, we must design regulations prohibiting the richest from pursuing maximum profit at any cost. When laws are set as barriers to privilege and not practice, opportunism becomes a recurring consequence. The ultimate goal of capitalism, as the socio-religious order elevated from its economic version, is profit maximization by any legal means. The faithful capitalist will prioritize entry, survival, and growth in industry to reach the nirvana sold as maximal profit by religion.


We must agree to institute laws that reverse global warming. When we assess the laws required to implement change, it becomes a matter of how sustainably we really want to live! If we aimed for absolute sustainability, in which we harmoniously coexisted with all other life on the planet, then we would not require any legal amendment to capitalism because all of it would be futile. Rather, we would need an overhaul and replacement of capitalism with a social order prioritizing compassion maximization.


As we are delusional by nature of our humanity, the concept of compassion maximization should not seem too ambitious. Just as profit cannot be maximized since numbers are infinite, compassion cannot be maximized because it cannot be quantified! We would maintain the culture of delusion we did during the era of infinite capitalism, but in this new model of infinite compassion, we could coexist harmoniously and sustainably through the outcome of our delusion.


In the case of capitalism, the choices and actions of a privileged few directly impede and limit the right to life of the rest of the world’s inhabitants. Mass extinction is a natural end-product of capitalist philosophy through universal exploitation until absolute depletion. We have become submissively fetishist in our tolerance of death by capitalism.

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