“The axe forgets; the tree remembers.”

(Zimbabwean proverb)


History records violence. Oppressors and transgressors, victors of wars and battles, all revel in momentary glory. The defeated will not easily forget nor quickly heal from pain. Violent resolutions do not end a conflict; rather, they fuel a fire raging in the hearts of the scorned. Revenge overtakes resolve for generations while hatred thrives. An eye for an eye never stops at the second eye. 


As such, epic histories continue to document new chapters of Turks versus Greeks, Jews versus Muslims, black versus white, oppressor versus enslaved, and many others. The impoverished always rise over grand empires; revolutions never cease. Power is never constant in one’s grip as this untamed force is loyal to no human. Only the force of nature can hold equilibrium. Even lions become prey to weaker animals.


It is important to be compassionate and loving. Humans have superior communication skills for a reason. We can overcome violent confrontations through dialogue. We can shift differences to developments. Survival, for humans, does not necessitate the use of physical, political, economic, or any form of manipulation to manifest selfish outcomes. This planet, by its perfect nature is sufficient for all to share abundantly. Greed invites hoarding. Excessive amassment causes waste. Depletion of natural resources eliminates sustainability. Poverty is birthed and inequality ensues. Hunger begets anger and retaliation becomes violent in tragic episodes of hunters turning into prey. The cycle of violence can only be broken through equality, love, harmony, humanitarianism. There is only peace in sharing what are rightful blessings and not possessions. This planet as property cannot belong to any specific entitlement. Responsibly and communally, land can be assigned to all as equal shareholders in development. We must act dutifully as caretakers to all life.


The pledge to improve on this duty initiates with a loving intent realized by this momentous first action: PUT THE AXE DOWN!

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