The richest 0.5 percent of humans will not budge. Exposés do not deter them. Infinite capitalism directs the world. We do not live by the guidelines and priorities of compassion and harmony. Everything is exploited for industrious profit. Nearly all (99.5 percent) of humanity, all other animal species, all plants, all natural resources in the universe, and all alien life (if found and possible) is and will be purposed to an impossible end — profit maximization. Capitalist greed has no satisfaction because the values for its measure are infinite. The numeric value we assign profit is infinite, as integers are infinite. In this way, it is perhaps not even by immoral intent that the wealthiest are caught on the hamster wheel of excess. Maybe they just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time to be the unlucky antagonists inflicting this much harm universally. The wealthiest are the toxic waste of the system’s efficiency mandate.


We must strategically align the masses—the other 99.5 percent of humans—to purposeful action. We represent everything through this challenge: animals, plants, environment, and resources. It is time to support the rehabilitation of the addicted 0.5 percent of humans.


One place to begin is by restricting the trade instruments of their profit drug. Banks are notorious facilitators and fueling agents of profit. They have a strict code of ethics for their clients. They require full disclosure from clients to ensure that the funds deposited in client accounts are sourced ethically. Yet who monitors where these banks really place our money?


Are banks ethical? How do we measure their moral behavior? Many banks are prime investors in the evil of fossil fuel energy projects. We need to stop this activity, and stop these banks altogether. The unethical practices of banks include the financing and funding of environmentally and socially destructive initiatives. Therefore, just as banks invest heavily in the due diligence and security processes of identifying and verifying clients and their funds for loans through credit and income values, there must be equally stringent regulations on how these banks invest client funds.


To significantly reduce unethical business and industry, we must act to enforce banks to update their ethical practices guidelines. This must include banning investment in fossil fuel and other environmentally harmful projects. When banks do not adhere to ethical practices, we can choose to eliminate them from the privilege of moral operation.


The following are the steps we must follow collectively:


  1. Withdraw all funds from unethical banks.
  2. Sever all other relationships with unethical banks.
  3. Boycott products and services from entities receiving bank loans from or holding accounts at unethical banks.
  4. Refuse transactions (as merchants) from debit/credit cards and accounts from these banks.
  5. Transfer loans or pay them off immediately through supporting banks and credit unions set up to facilitate such moves.
  6. Use credit facilities from unethical banks against them by investing directly in opposition to their positions.
  7. Create, maintain, and fund a community fund through donation to financially support employees who quit unethical banks until they find jobs in ethical spaces.
  8. Publicly protest, shame, and expose unethical banks.

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