Somehow humans are not all in this mess of global warming together, because as death tolls and suffering rise due to climate deterioration, the poorest populations are hit hardest. They are much more impacted by each wildfire, drought, or flood than the wealthiest who have escape routes that at worst will entail comfortable migration made possible with money. The rich have savings that support inflation adjustment and variances to the cost of lifestyle or change. Meanwhile, the middle class is rapidly being fused with the poorest. When that happens, generally, social revolution ensues.


This is also the first time this type of scenario is playing out on a global scale. Everyone will experience the suffering that comes with the birth of any revolution, just as any birthing is painful yet immediately followed by immense joy at the prospect of a new life.


During Covid, the world experienced firsthand that, in some regard, humans are not truly equal. The care provided to citizens of the wealthiest countries far outweighed that of the poorest. Without a revolution, we will see the same scenario played out on a grander scale as our climate continues to deteriorate. Without unity to defend the rights of lives outside the 1% wealthiest, the rest will perish first—including animals.


It must be reasoned that eventually and ultimately, all are in this equally, due to the long-term impact of climate change. The most extreme form of capitalist mentality directs the wealthiest to think in terms of “I” instead of appreciating the value of “us.” This mentality must be reversed if humanity is to survive and flourish into the future.


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