Orange Shirt Day in Canada is in heartbreaking memory of Phyllis Webstad’s agonizing ordeal. At only six years of age, she had her orange shirt taken away by Catholic authorities on the first day of attending residential school. This shirt was her solace, memory, and sense of belonging at such a young age. It was a gift from her dear and loving grandmother before their separation.

Many around the planet associate September with children returning to school. A sense of renewed continuity and routine fills the air as many children become excited to return to school. But in one part of the world, for too long, September 30th was considered a frightening day when families indefinitely separated. Indigenous children were yanked away from their homes to be sent to concentration camps at the Catholic Church’s residential schools across Canada.

Free and equal access to education is considered a human right the UN is not willing to fight for earnestly. The Catholic Church chose to enable this right, in a most torturous way, to the indigenous community in Canada. This system follows much of the Catholic Church’s preferred culture of violence. What kind of education system murders children? Or was the Catholic Church playing God by sending angels back to Heaven?

September 30th will be recognized as a national holiday in Canada. It is the Truth and Reconciliation Day in memory of the genocide of the Catholic Church’s residential schools. This is a step toward honestly recognizing the atrocities and dangers of the Catholic Church specifically, and organized religion in extension. Yet, the tyrannical Catholic Church remains, as ever, immune to accountability. One day, as we inch closer to verifying and validating the corrupt and immoral truths of organized religion, compassion will eventually prevail. We must maintain this momentum and defend ourselves against religious violence, especially when committed by organized religions.

God’s future is free. We stand together in bright Holy Orange unity like our Sun God blessed to support our growth. We stand strong against the tainted and dark immoral fabric of the Catholic Church and its entire parasitical industry. This is Canada; a natural landscape emboldening our inner calling to be free and to that end, by necessity, be brave. We seek the light; we are Orange Strong.

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