In a world filled with forwarded inspirational posts, we must trace back about 2,500 years to remember the words of Socrates: “Let him who would move the world firstly move himself.” 


If every one of us merely invested in and was responsible for improving ourselves, the world would, for the most part, be flawless today. We, however, face numerous challenges:


We are better at suggesting and advising others than acting on the advice ourselves. Acting a certain way requires discipline. Talking about it only requires articulation.


With easily accessible and readily connective social media platforms, we can all add our personal ingredient to the giant world soup. We no longer need to have experience in certain fields to be accepted as a leader; a charismatic campaign will most certainly win the tiding!


Before we project our ideas onto others, we must first monitor our progress and evaluate it as satisfactory. Sharing ideas for personal development must face the same stringent laws that medication does before getting approved for administration. Using medication to heal an ailment is no different to tending to a misguided soul. However, in tending to another we must ensure that we are empirically certain of our theories. We must never recommend what we do not believe and advocate personally.

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