Suicide has crossed many people’s minds at some point throughout life. Many of us, thankfully, do not go through with it. Whether it is through fear or courage, we abort our thoughts of choosing to end it all.

Mental health issues are complicated and most people do not support the unstable character when the time comes. The biggest reason why a person follows through with the intention of committing suicide is because there is no voice advising them of alternatives when their voice of reason is silenced through the depressive state they find themselves in. We do not always require doctors and counselors to help each other. Sometimes a friendly hug, or person who takes more than a few minutes to truly care about our day, or a moment’s loving attention is all it takes to dissuade a person from taking their own life. Engage in your communities, with friends, family members, and even acquaintances. In love, we care about all just as well as we tend to care about ourselves. Let others know they mean more to the world than the worthlessness they feel during that moment.

Mental health instabilities may affect anyone at any time. It is, in part, a recognition deep within ourselves that we have wandered too far off our destined path to be able to return on our own. Sometimes we might ask for help. Other times we shut ourselves out of a brighter tomorrow and walk straight into the abyss of hopelessness. It is there, at that moment and space, that the friendly tug back to light is most needed. Save a life today instead of mourning a lifetime tomorrow. It is better to prevent than to heal, as sometimes there may not be a chance to heal, but there is always an opportunity to prevent tragedy through love.

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