Knowledge is food for the soul. We must be careful that we do not purchase what is sold at the ego’s market. Instead, we should perform all of our shopping strictly at love’s market.

Through perfected advertising campaigns and economic incentives we are manipulated into purchasing what the ego market is offering. This is how the media can trick people who are seeking wisdom. Instead of true wisdom that will allow us to make selections based on transparent information, we are being presented with arguments based on unverifiable assumptions and theories. They know we are hungry to learn so they teach us in a way that we just swallow whatever they feed us. When we are starving, we do not ask what ingredients the food consists of; rather, we just eat what is offered with much thanks. But when we are careful and not that hungry, we may become more careful about what ingredients we digest.

Of course, the ego’s market is like a fast-food franchise, cheap and tasty. Love’s market is full of fresh vegetables and fruits, useful and free from additives. One will deteriorate our health while the other will promote it. So which one do we choose? Do we place in our minds the food that we know is essential to provide us with the energy to endure against the ego on the path to pure love? Or do we forget about the journey to love altogether and enjoy a greasy tub of the ego’s variant of food for the mind? The guidance God has provided for us is indeed a guideline to the products available at both marketplaces. By reading God’s assessment we can analyze what is, in fact, healthy for each portion of the journey to pure love. This guideline is available through scientific discovery, medical reports, scriptures, life experiences and dozens of other formats that allow us to observe and visualize what the actual outcome shall be after consuming a thought from each marketplace. We must choose intelligently, and in today’s world of easily accessible information there are no excuses for not knowing what is harmful. It is in fact our own laziness and lack of self-love that allows us to not research and examine what we filter into our minds on a daily basis.

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