“Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.”



Talk to your friends. Find out their ailments. Assess anyone you know who may be feeling depressed. Step in bravely to help others during hardship. Share the plight of your neighbors. Give effortfully to save another in distress.


The annual rate of suicide worldwide released by the WHO works out, statistically, to one suicide every 40 seconds Before this problem gets out of hand and reaches the estimated rate of one suicide every second, let us love our families, neighbors, friends, communities, and even strangers we can reach through social media.


There is no medical cure for suicide because it is not a physical condition. As part of mental health issues that are not yet resolvable, suicidal tendencies are very easily thwarted by one principal and vital method: the emergence of love will dissuade the suicidal person from following through because where once they felt alone, worthless, and unable to tackle life’s problems, now—with your love—they find reason again to fight through the condition and into an emerging tunnel of light. Love allows for rebirth.

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