Good things come from using various platforms to stand united for equality, justice, and love.

There is currently one professional athlete who is willing to put his career on hold to address the injustices of an oppressive government in the USA. Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick stands as the famous voice against the racist oppression of minorities who suffer police brutality. Almost all other celebrities, influencers, and people with high platforms chose to discard the fight for fairness in love. They are careful that their squeaky-clean platforms do not expose any uncalled-for love toward those considered unworthy of being equals in humanity. 


We must ask ourselves, “What can we do on our platform to bring a wave of positivity to this call for change toward loving one another beyond racist impressions?” The least we can do in unity is boycott professional sports for a day, influencing governments to react. Perhaps this will lead to police brutality of minorities being studied and adjusted for by the government through the best measures possible. Without collective force, we cannot implement change, even if our individual platforms are as grand as Kaepernick’s.

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