Venezuela holds the second highest gold reserves in the world. Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserve holding 303.3 billion barrels of oil reserves compared to Saudi Arabia’s 297.7 billion. The human population of Venezuela is almost 30 million.


Only three percent of Venezuelans have a secure food source. Ninety-seven percent of Venezuelans cannot be certain of when, where, how, and even if a next meal will come. On average Venezuelans earn the equivalent of 72 American cents daily. According to global income analyses, 96 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty, with 70 percent in extreme poverty.


This is state tyrannical capitalism; a variant within the capitalism pandemic. If we report Venezuela’s riches without referring to the country, we could easily be misled to think we are reporting on the UAE or Qatar. It is impossible to fathom that one of the richest countries in the world would allow such poor management of its state leading to extreme inequality, poverty, and crime. 


People do not request to be suppressed and enslaved in this manner. In nations where the majority is not benefiting from egalitarian principles, a tyranny imposes hierarchical standards. For such concerns, the world has formed the United Nations. Where is the UN’s social relief program for such oppressive living conditions caused by intentional mismanagement of a nation’s natural resources? This is yet another example of the UN’s parasitical purpose of being. Only where there are inherent national interests to specific dominant parties does the UN project a graceful appearance.

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